Проф. д-р Веселин Баев
Ел. поща: baev @ uni-plovdiv.bg
- BSc and MSc. in Biology
- BSc in IT
- PhD in Molecular Biology
Чужди езици:
Английски (6), Френски (3), Руски (2), Японски (1)
Научни интереси:
миРНК и малки РНК при еукариотните орханизми. Стрес-специфични миРНК гени. Анализ на данни от масово-паралелно секвениране (NGS) от библиотеки на малки РНК, транскриптом, метагеномни данни. Cloud-базиран анализ на биоинформатични данни.
-EU COST Action member BM1006: Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Network.
-EU COST Action member FA1407: Application of next generation sequencing for the study and diagnosis of plant viral diseases in agriculture
ELBA Project ID: 765492
Duration: From 2018-01-01 to 2021-12-31, ongoing project
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
Coordinated in: STICHTING VUMC, Netherlands
Публикации ицитати SCOPUS: |
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- Lectures in Basic Bioinformatics
- Lectures in Bioinformatics Analysis
- Lectures in Programming in Bioinformatics
- Lectures in small RNAs and NGS data analysis
Работни срещи, конференции и специализации:
- 2004-2005 Marie Curie fellowship, in M.Tabler’s lab at Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Crete, Heraklion, Greece
- 2004 International training workshop in Bioinformatics, Sept. 13-18, Heraklion, Crete, Unesco, Venice Of-fice.
- 2004 International training workshop – Onassis Lectures in Biology: Genomics, Bioinformatics and beyond.
- 2005 International training workshop in Bioinformatics, Sept. 5-10 Sofia, Bulgaria, Unesco, Venice Office.
- 2006 International training workshop in GRID systems, “BG induction to GRID Computing and EGEE project”
- 2008 “Plant Genomics European Meeting” (Plant GEM),September 24th-27th 2008 in Albena, Europe, Bulgaria.
- 2009 “miRNA Europe Meeting” 2-3 November , Cambridge UK
- 2010 EMBL, Non-coding genome conference”, Heidelberg, Germany
- 2011 RNA society, 16th annual meeting, RNA 2011, Kyoto, Japan
- 2012, Abiotic stress conference, Vienna
2012 Training School “Next generation sequencing data analysis with Chipster”, Helsinki, Finland
2012 “Next Generation Sequencing: What´s next?”, Uppsala, Sweden
2012 AllBio meeting, Milan, Italy
2013 The Next NGS Challenge Conference, Valencia, Spain
2014 “NGS Data after the Gold Rush” & COST Management Committee Meeting, Norwich, UK
2015 “Next Generation Sequencing: a look into the future”, Bratiskava, Slovakia
2015 Kick-off meeting EU COST Action member FA1407, Brussels, Belgium
2016 EU COST Action meeting FA1407, France, INRA Versaille
2017 EU COST Action FA1407, WG meeting, Czech Republic
- 2018 EU ELBA Project Kick-off meeting 1-2 Feb, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2018 “Plant phenotyping for future climate challenges”, 20- 21 March, Leuven, Belgium
- 2018 “NGS 2018” conference, April 9-13, Barcelona, Spain
- 2019 ELBA project meeting, 24-29 March, Granada, Spain
- 2019 “Galaxy Conference”, 1-6 July, Freiburg, Germany
may-june 2013 visiting researcher University of Tokyo, Japan (Prof. Kenta Nakai Lab)
- 2012 BIOCOMP BG “International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology” 20-21 Sept., Varna, Bulgaria
- 2014 “NGS and non-coding RNAs data analysis“, COST EU workshop, 15-16 May, Plovdiv, Bulgaria